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Hard-coding Floating Action Buttons
Kenzie avatar
Written by Kenzie
Updated over 5 months ago

This article assumes you have development skills. It is not a step-by-step tutorial, and vague in details on actual implementation.

Buyer Portal Entry Points

Entrance Points are the different points at which a buyer enters the Buyer Portal. The Buyer Portal automatically overrides these entry points on the top BigCommerce themes. If you are using an alternative, or custom theme you may want/need to directly point your theme to the buyer portal. You can use these functions to open specific pages within the Buyer Portal.

Sign In

The Important Part:


Sample Code:

// link
<a onclick="b2b.utils.openPage('SIGN_IN')">SIGN IN</a>
// button
<button onclick="b2b.utils.openPage('SIGN_IN')">SIGN IN</button>

Forgot Password

The Important Part:


Sample Code:

// link
<a onclick="b2b.utils.openPage('FORGOT_PASSWORD')">RECOVER ACCESS</a>
// button
<button onclick="b2b.utils.openPage('FORGOT_PASSWORD')">RECOVER ACCESS</button>

Register / Create Account

The Important Part:


Sample Code:

// link
<a onclick="b2b.utils.openPage('REGISTER_ACCOUNT')">REGISTER</a>
// button
<button onclick="b2b.utils.openPage('REGISTER_ACCOUNT')">REGISTER</button>

B2B and B2C Navigation

The Buyer Portal overrides the standard theme navigation to display and redirect available navigation links. It however does not include all navigation options. Navigation menus are unique to each store as they differ for B2C and B2B users, and depend on the feature set being utilized.

You can also use these functions anywhere else on your theme to link to specific buyer portal pages.

B2B Menu Navigation

My orders

Company orders



Shopping lists

Quick order


User management

Account Settings

B2C Menu Navigation

My orders

Quotes (if enabled for B2C/Individual users in Settings > Quotes)

Shopping lists (if enabled for B2C/Individual users in Settings > Shopping list)

Quick order


Account Settings

The Important Part:


Buyer Portal Page Types:
















Sample Code:

// Menu items
const routes = {
"DASHBOARD": "Dashboard",
"ORDERS": "My orders",
"COMPANY_ORDERS": "Company orders",
"INVOICE": "Invoice",
"QUOTES": "Quotes",
"SHOPPING_LISTS": "Shopping lists": ,
"PURCHASED_PRODUCTS": "Quick order",
"ADDRESSES": "Addresses",
"USER_MANAGEMENT": "User management",
"ACCOUNT_SETTINGS" :"Account settings",

// Valid routes per kind of session

const {role,email} = b2b.utils.user.getProfile()
const {current_company_id: currentCompanyId} = await b2b.utils.user.getMasqueradeState()
const { enabled: addToQuoteBtn } = b2b.utils.quote.getButtonInfo()
const { enabled: addToShoppingListBtn } = b2b.utils.shoppingList.getButtonInfo()

// filter valid routes
const validRoutes = Object.entries(routes).filter(([route]) => {
// if user is superadmin
if(role === 3){
// and it's not using masquerade feature
if(currentCompanyId === 0){
return SUPERADMIN_WITH_MASQUERADE.includes(route)

// if it's guest user
if(!emailAddress) {
// Special cases
if(route === "QUOTES" && addToQuoteBtn) {
return true
} else if (route === "SHOPPING_LISTS" && addToShoppingListBtn){
return true
return GUEST_USER.includes(route)

// if user is b2c
if(role === 99){
// Special cases
if(route === "QUOTES" && addToQuoteBtn) {
return true
} else if (route === "SHOPPING_LISTS" && addToShoppingListBtn){
return true
return B2C_USER.includes(route)

// if non of other cases applies, then it's a b2b user
return B2B_USER.includes(route)

// generate menu
const menuItems =[route, text]) => `<button onclick="b2b.utils.openPage('${route}')">${text}</button>`).join("")

// render menu
document.querySelector(".menu-container").innerHTML = menuItems

Quote and Shopping List Buttons

Product Display Page Buttons

We inject these using the BC script manager, but they can be hard-coded to the theme if you'd like for more precise placement, eliminate loading time, or create custom workflows. You can turn off the injected button on and off in Settings > Quotes or Settings > Shopping list respectively. (This assumes you've already migrated to the Buyer Portal.)

If you would like to hard-code the button, you'd do something similar to the following:

The important part for the add to quote button:


Sample Code:

// simplest button
<button id="add-to-quote">Add to quote</button>

/* ProductOption type
interface ProductOption {
optionEntityId: number
optionValueEntityId: number
const addToQuoteButton = document.getElementById("add-to-quote");
addToQuoteButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
quantity: number
productEntityId: number
selectedOptions?: ProductOption[]
sku?: string
variantEntityId?: number

// render button by using getButtonInfo function
const { enabled, text, customCss, color, customTextColor, classSelector } = b2b.utils.quote.getButtonInfo();
if(!enabled) return

const addToQuoteButton = document.createElement('button');

addToQuoteButton.innerHTML = text || 'Add to Quote'
addToQuoteButton.setAttribute('style', customCss) = color = customTextColor
addToQuoteButton.setAttribute('class', classSelector)
addToQuoteButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
quantity: number
productEntityId: number
selectedOptions?: ProductOption[]
sku?: string
variantEntityId?: number


The important part for the add to shopping list button:


Sample Code:

// simplest button
<button id="add-to-shopping-list">Add to shopping list</button>

/* ProductOption type
interface ProductOption {
optionEntityId: number
optionValueEntityId: number
const addToShoppingListButton = document.getElementById("add-to-shopping-list");
addToShoppingListButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
quantity: number
productEntityId: number
selectedOptions?: ProductOption[]
sku?: string
variantEntityId?: number

// render button by using getButtonInfo function
const { enabled, text, customCss, color, customTextColor, classSelector } = b2b.utils.shoppingList.getButtonInfo();
if(!enabled) return

const addShoppingListButton = document.createElement('button');

addShoppingListButton.innerHTML = text || 'Add to Shopping List
addShoppingListButton.setAttribute('style', customCss) = color = customTextColor
addShoppingListButton.setAttribute('class', classSelector)
addShoppingListButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
quantity: number
productEntityId: number
selectedOptions?: ProductOption[]
sku?: string
variantEntityId?: number


A note about maintaining functionality controls as defined by app settings.

  • When using B2B Edition services, it is important to note that additional layers of functionality are added to role/user/buyer-based configurations and settings. You can maintain the app-specific functionality by including the default class of the specific button type so that the <span> including that button is appropriately hidden if that user type does not have access to that functionality.

  • This reduces the need to write additional logic to know when to display a specific functionality to a user, but does not prevent you from adding additional logic, such as restrictions by brand, value, meta-data, etc.

    • Ie: you may want to additionally hide the add-to-quote button based on meta-data stored on a product.

Sample Setting scenario:

  • Assuming above settings, and WITHOUT CONSUMING getButtonInfo function properties on the Add to Quote button:

    • Guest users (shoppers) will be able to request quotes

  • Assuming above settings, and CONSUMING getButtonInfo function properties on the Add to Quote button:

    • Guest users(shopper) will NOT be able to request quotes and

    • WILL NOT see the Add to Quote button

Category Buttons

These will redirect to the product page, validate for options, inventory, etc.

It is possible to set these up to work from the category page, and submit the product directly to our quote cart from the category page.

This code is usually added to card.html or list-item.html files.

The important part:

The example it’s the same as quote button section, both goes inside product-view.html template file

// simplest button
<button id="add-to-quote">Add to quote</button>

/* ProductOption type
interface ProductOption {
optionEntityId: number
optionValueEntityId: number
const addToQuoteButton = document.getElementById("add-to-quote");
addToQuoteButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
quantity: number
productEntityId: number
selectedOptions?: ProductOption[]
sku?: string
variantEntityId?: number

// render button by using getButtonInfo function
const { enabled, text, customCss, color, customTextColor, classSelector } = b2b.utils.quote.getButtonInfo();
if(!enabled) return

const addToQuoteButton = document.createElement('button');

addToQuoteButton.innerHTML = text || 'Add to Quote'
addToQuoteButton.setAttribute('style', customCss) = color = customTextColor
addToQuoteButton.setAttribute('class', classSelector)
addToQuoteButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
quantity: number
productEntityId: number
selectedOptions?: ProductOption[]
sku?: string
variantEntityId?: number


Cart to Quote Button

Used when adding the contents of the cart to a draft quote.

The important part:


Sample Code:

<button onclick="b2b.utils.quote.addProductsFromCart()"> Add All to Quote</button>

Finish Quote Button

Use the open page function to show the current draft quote in progress.

The important part:


Sample Code:

<button onclick="b2b.utils.openPage('DRAFT_QUOTE')">Finish Quote</button>

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